Streamyx Blockbuster Deals

How much you can save with Streamyx Blockbuster deals?

The latest promotion from Telekom Malaysia (TM) for its Streamyx broadband service is known as Blockbuster deals. Many people are still unaware of the huge savings they can enjoy with this Blockbuster deals promotion. Let us do a side-by-side comparison on the most popular Streamyx plans; “Streamyx Basic 1Mbps with modem” versus “Streamyx Blockbuster 1Mbps”. These are the assumptions we made;

  • The applicant is a Malaysian
  • This is for new application without a pre-existing phone line
  • The user made 100 minutes of local calls, 100 minutes of long distance calls and 100 minutes of calls to mobile phones during peak hour.

Setup cost (one-time payment):

Items Streamyx Basic 1Mbps with modem Streamyx Blockbuster 1Mbps
New phone line deposit* RM75 RM75
New phone line stamp duty RM10 RM10
New phone line installation fee** RM50 RM50
New phone line activation fee RM50 FREE
DECT cordless phone N/A FREE
Streamyx activation fee RM75 FREE
Streamyx installation fee RM88 FREE
Modem Normal modem Wifi modem
TOTAL RM348 RM135.00

Setup Savings: RM213

Monthly commitment + usage:

Items Streamyx Basic 1Mbps with modem Streamyx Blockbuster 1Mbps
Phone line monthly rental RM25 FREE
100 mins local calls RM4 @ RM0.04/min FREE
100 mins long distance calls RM85.80 @ RM0.10/7secs FREE
100 mins calls to mobile phones RM69.80 @ RM0.10/8.6secs RM10 @ RM0.10/min
Streamyx monthly access fee RM99 RM110
TOTAL RM283.60 RM120

Monthly Savings: RM163.60

Total Savings: RM376.60

Wait no more and Start saving now!


* For foreigners, additional RM1,000 deposit is required by TM

** Internal wiring (pay to technician on the spot): RM30 (use back existing wiring) or RM50 (for first 5 meters. Subsequent charge for every 1 meter: RM5/meter)


2 responses to “How much you can save with Streamyx Blockbuster deals?”

  1. I got 4 MB blockbuster deal paying monthly RM 140

    2 weeks ago in 2012, they reduce the bandwidth i used to enjoy from 4.66 mbps download to 3.5 mbps the IP has also been netted.

    Streamyx like cheating the customer, as the port suddenly malfunctioned for 1 day, then they fix the port to 2096 downstream, then 4096 downstream which never can achieve more than 4 mbps. The upload is also not 1 mbps but 0.42 mbps

    This incident happened in Lavinia Apartment, Taman Sri Nibong 2 weeks ago.

    1. Hi Chin,

      Technical glitches are unavoidable. If you make report to TM, I am sure they will rectify this at soonest possible.

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