Free Domain Name from Domain-For-Blogger campaign




Are you using as your blogging platform and your blog address is still something like If your answer is yes, here is a good news for you. You can convert your long and hard to remember blog address to something short and professional such as for FREE! That’s right. You can own your own dotcom totally free. It is hassle free and you will still blog like usual using the same Blogspot account but with your own dotcom as your blog address. No stupid slogan contest, no hidden fee, no renewal fee and no effort needed. It is absolutely FREE for the first 100 blogs we approve.

So what is the catch?

I’m glad you asked. All we ask for in return is to place a small, unobtrusive 125px x 125px banner at somewhere strategic in your blog. If you are wondering how does the banner looks like, here it is.

The code:

Am I qualified for this sponsorship?

We only giveaway 100 free domain names for this exclusive campaign. Because of the limited slots, we will manually review every applications we received and make sure only truly deserving blogs receive our sponsorship. These are the things that we take into consideration…

  • Google PageRank
  • Alexa Ranking
  • Age of blog
  • Frequency of posts
  • Average comments
  • Back links count
  • Feedburner count (if applicable)

For example, some blogs we have approved for this sponsorship are…

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  1. I haven’t started my blog. Can I apply for this sponsorship?
    I’m sorry. This sponsorship is only for existing and active blogs.

  2. What are the domain name extensions that I can choose from?
    This sponsorship applies to the following domain extensions only: .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .name

  3. Do my readers have to update my blog address in their blogroll/link?
    No. It is not compulsory. Anyone who goes to your old blogspot address will automatically redirect to your new dotcom.

  4. Will my RSS feed broken after I convert my blog address to dotcom?
    No. Same like above. It will work just fine.

  5. Will I lose any readers or search engine ranking?
    No. Your traffic will be redirected to the new address using permanent redirect.

  6. I am happy with what I have now. Why should I convert my blog address to a dotcom?
    Many reasons. Other than it is shorter and easier to remember, your dotcom belongs to you for life. Whereas, your blogspot address belongs to you for as long as Blogger is in business or they never ban you. Please read this article.

  7. Can I trust you? What happen if you are going out of business?
    We are a registered company in Malaysia with strong financial background and we have registered thousands of domain names for many huge corporations in Malaysia for the past 8 years. If we are going out of business, the worst is we stop sponsoring your domain name. Since we give you full ownership of the domain name, you will have ample of time to transfer the domain name to other registrar.

  8. I am too old/lazy to learn new IT stuffs.
    You don’t have to learn anything new because you will still use the same blogger platform.

  9. Is there any hidden cost?
    No hidden cost. You don’t have to pay a single cent.

  10. Really? What is the catch?
    On top of what I mentioned above, you must not transfer the domain name out to other registrar.

  11. Are you sure you will renew the domain name for me as long as the 2 requirements are met?
    Yes. However to be fair to us, we will review the sponsorship yearly to make sure your blog is still active and adhere to our agreements.

  12. If the domain name belongs to me, how do I control/manage it?
    We will give you a control panel for your domain name. You can manage the nameservers, WHOIS contact, obtain EPP code and lock the domain name.

  13. If I decided to end our agreement halfway, what will happen to the domain name?
    You are free to do so at anytime you wish and the domain name still belongs to you. However, you will need to pay for the yearly domain renewal at normal price either with us or with any other domain registrar of your choice in order to maintain the ownership of the domain name.

  14. What happens to my images when I move my blog?
    Blogger continues to host all your content, and the only thing that changes is the address that points to it. Since the address is no longer on, Blogger’s referrer restriction will apply, meaning images over 400px will not display on your page. However, most thumbnails will be below this and will still link correctly to the full-sized images.

  15. Do you provide technical support for my blog?
    I’m sorry, you still need to refer to for their services and issues related to them. We only provide support on domain related issues.

  16. What will happen to my blog if I decided to switch back to the old blogspot address
    No one will be able to reach your blog except those who knows your old blogspot address. So don’t switch back.

Get your free domain name here

I’m sorry. This campaign is close and we no longer accept new application.

If you wish to be notified of our new promotions or campaigns, please go to our Facebook page and click on the “Like” button.


60 responses to “Free Domain Name from Domain-For-Blogger campaign”

  1. submit already.

  2. Wow, that’s great…Hope I’ll qualified…really looking to own a domain… Being a blogspot user is great…and having a domain on top of it is greater!

  3. Wow! Thanks for the offer. I hope I will get accepted. That would be great! Being a simple Blogger User is cool. But, having a domain is even cooler!

  4. Great! As deaf, I really hope to get free domain – cool! I am very happy!

    1. Congrats Selina! We have approved your application ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. hopefully i am selected… free domain for my blog….

  6. Thank you so much..already get my new domain.Really excited to blog with my new domain..Thank you guys ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. You are welcome Leeza. Keep up the good work and we will continue to renew your domain name every year ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. tq for free domain

  8. owrait! i have submitted my blog… hopefully i am one of the 100 selected… uhoH!

  9. wow… this is great…

  10. submit already.hopefully my blog will get the new domain

  11. submit already

  12. hopefully i am one of the lucky 100 ppl to be selected.. =)

  13. i’ve submitted my second application, because i changed my mind on desired domain name… hehhee… i hope it can be considered… tengs…

  14. hello… submit already… n hope i was the one… yess..!!!

  15. my 1st blog was locked by
    just open new blog 4 or 5 month

    submit already ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. submit already.hopefully my blog will get the new domain……harap sangat dapat

    1. dapat tak nie?????????????????????????????????????????

  17. submit already.hopefully my blog will get the new domain

  18. wahhh i want domain…. btw its ok if you want give me

  19. already sent my applications!!!

  20. dah submit…yeeeaaaa…hu hu hu

  21. Hi, I’ve submit already my blog.
    Hopefully I’ll get the sponsorshipt.

    I’ve just re-open my blog just now.
    Recently I closed my blog because I want to design my blog so it will look more simple and professional!

    Hopefully when I get the domain, I’ll become more serious in blogging!

  22. already submit…hope i will get my new domain…heee…

  23. done submit..hopefully will be consider…^_^

  24. i’ve submitted my application . .
    hope i’ll get free domain !

  25. i have register here.. hope i can get free domain too hehe…

  26. hi…i already submit the application…
    hopefully i get the sponsorship ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. hve rgister.i wish i wish…i can get free domain..ha3

  28. done…i hope i get this free domain

  29. I’m really glad for this kind of opportunity because people or bloggers in the Philippines like me find it hard to buy a domain name for a lack of online payment solutions.

  30. Bismillahirahmanirahim..
    Allahumma solli ‘ala muhammad 3x

    dh submit, semoga dipilih.

  31. hopefully i’ll be choosen!

  32. i am really thankful if i get the domain

  33. please let me have one

  34. i hope i get the sponsorship. thanks.

  35. please let me have that

  36. i have sent to you guys.. i really hope that i can get my own domain.. thank you for this campaign.. i’m very proud for your project..

  37. I hope will give the domain.
    thank you.

  38. Wow…
    This is nice web site…
    I have a question..
    Is this domains are free ?

    1. Yes. We will review your blog. If it is interesting and popular, we will sponsor your domain name free for life.

  39. I hope I am qualified for this.

  40. submit already. myblog

  41. wow! best dowhhh!!!!

  42. done ! hope the domain be mine..

  43. uittss.. still ada visitor dari sni ke blog den ? hik hik
    hik.. thanks for skodeng my blog..

  44. Hi.. I’ve submitted. Hope I’m qualified!

  45. yes!im done……i hop the domain

  46. Thank you so much…..submit already…=D……hmmmmmm…..this is my blog…… ……..njoy…;D

  47. submit already…

  48. i have submitted already… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  49. submit already . really hope to get a new domain . wish you could give a domain . thanks guys !

  50. yeah! submit already! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  51. I wish I’ll get accepted.

  52. Hope I will get accepted.

  53. Hope I will get accepted.@

  54. Wao this Amazing.This is very good

  55. hey.. submit already.. hope i will get it. =p

  56. I have applied.. And hope i will be the one to get your support.
    i hope to hear positively from you…

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